Who I am ? life coach brussels

Behind this goddess physique and impeccable figure lies a psychologist with several years’ experience. I began my career in 2022 with the Brussels Police in the field of workplace well-being, where I developed a passion for crisis intervention and burnout support.

From there, I decided to open a paramedical practice in Evere in 2023. La Bulle D’Oxygène was born, and my patients soon came to fill it with their tears as well as their laughter. At the same time, I started a part-time job at the Université Catholique de Louvain, which awarded me my psychology diploma a few years earlier. There, I work as a psychologist for victims of sexist and sexual violence.

In my spare time, I’m passionate about crisis intervention with the Red Cross, but I also love video games, board games and fantasy reading. And let’s not forget my cat Miko, who is a daily inspiration for my relaxation exercises.

My approach is integrative, but based above all on humanistic and experiential currents. I see my patients as the main actors of their own change and experts in their own lives. For me, the therapist must remain humble and open-minded. Therapy is a journey that is co-constructed in a relationship of trust between therapist and patient.


  • UCL Master in Psychology – Organizational Psychology (2019);
  • International Coaching School – specialization in stress and anxiety management and life coaching;
  • EMDR training – Pierre Orban.


  • Burnout;
  • Conflict management;
  • Stress and anxiety;
  • Trauma and EMDR;
  • Grief.

Do you have any questions or doubts, or would you like to make an appointment? Get in touch!

If you have any further questions or doubts (including whether we can meet your requirements). Call our secretariat to make an appointment or send an email to the secretariat, practice of « Coach de vie Belgique » for the attention of Alison Cigna.

Vous êtes coach ?

Vous êtes coach, vous travaillez à temps plein ou à temps partiel dans votre cabinet? coaching de vie
Cependant, trouver suffisamment de nouveaux clients peut être une difficulté pour de nombreux thérapeutes. D’autres ne sont tout simplement pas à l’aise en sollicitant activement de nouveaux clients.
Si vous souhaitez obtenir plus d’informations sur ce que nous pouvons faire pour vous en tant que coach indépendant, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.